Lista partonómica P2, lengua principal: ES, subsidiaria: LA, interfaz: ES, trabajo en curso


Navegación por listas
Página de inicio TAH partonomy
Nivel superior sistema nervioso central Corto Todo
Nivel actual encéfalo Todo
Idioma subsidiaria con latín
Idioma principal no latín
Lista partonómica
Corto español equivalente
Corto término oficial latino
50801 5257 tax
61992 5262 tax
62000 5264 tax
telencephalon ; cerebrum
62008 5779 tax
hipotálamo P3 150 hijos
62001 5263 tax
diencéfalo P3 405 hijos
79876 5265
tronco del encéfalo
truncus encephali
61993 5261 tax
mesencéfalo P3 352 hijos
67944 5686 tax
cerebelo P3 332 hijos
67687 5258 tax
11865 tax
rhombencephalon rostrale
62003 5260
72244 5431 tax
pons ; pars basilaris pontis
11874 tax
rombencéfalo caudal P3 507 hijos
rhombencephalon caudale
13 lineas
100.0 %
100.0 %
Notas cientificas
Libelle of note
The Diencephalon in its classic, columnar view was divided into four dorsoventrally arranged columns separated by ventricular sulci: the Epithalamus, the Dorsal thalamus, the Ventral thalamus and the Hypothalamus. Extensive embryological studies made it clear that the thalamic 'columns' are derived from transversely oriented zones, the Prosomeres (see TE). Currently, the (Caudal) Diencephalon is subdivided into three segmental units, which from caudal to rostral, contain in their alar domains the Pretectum (prosomere 1 or P1), the Epithalamus and the Thalamus (P2) and the Ventral thalamus or Prethalamus (P3). The diencephalic basal plate contains the rostral part of the Substantia nigra-VTA complex and some other nuclei, collectively forming the Diencephalic or Prerubral tegmentum between the Mesencephalon and the Hypothalamus. The entire Hypothalamus or Rostral diencephalon arises from the alar and basal components of the secondary prosencephalon. The Preoptic area is one of the subpallial developmental domains (Puelles L, Harrison M, Paxinos G, Watson C 2013 A developmental ontology for the mammalian brain based on the prosomeric model. Trends Neurosci 36:570-578).
Type of list P2
List Unit Identifier 5257
Sublist 1 5261 mesencephalon 352/161 on 8.4.2019
Sublist 2 5263 diencephalon 404/181 on 30.12.2021
Error in sublist Found children 405 Found units 182
Sublist 3 5264 telencephalon 1772/699 on 13.12.2020
Sublist 4 5431 pons 40/23 on 11.6.2019
Sublist 5 5686 cerebellum 332/161 on 15.4.2019
Sublist 6 5779 hypothalamus 150/71 on 26.3.2019
Sublist 7 11865 rhombencephalon rostrale 348/161 on 30.11.2020
Error in sublist Found children 351 Found units 162
Sublist 8 11874 rhombencephalon caudale 524/225 on 30.12.2021
Error in sublist Found children 507 Found units 208
Subtotals subchildren 3922 subunits 1682
Proper children 11
Invalid number of children Found children: 3921
Check Sublist children: 3922
Proper units 4
Invalid number of units Found units: 1686
Check Found units: 1682
Invalid signature 19268 ( 30.12.2021)
Fecha: 18.08.2024